sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2006


Os assassinos da Memória (Rua da Judiaria) -- Um depoimento de Elie Wiesel sobre o Holocausto.

Tensions... (Baghdad Burning) -- O ambiente que se vive em Bagdad após o atentado contra o Santuário de Samarra.

Religion plays very different roles in America, Europe (The News Tribune) -- Uma comparação do papel desempenhado pela religião nas sociedades americana e europeias.

1 comentário:

Elise disse...

"The sense in the streets and the statements given by some Shia clerics suggest that retaliation attacks are organized and under control and are focusing on mosques frequented by Salafi and Wahabi groups and not those of ordinary Sunnis.

Looking at the geographic distribution of the attacked mosques, I found they were mostly in areas adjacent to Sadr city forming a line that extends from the New Baghdad district in the southeast to al-Hussayniya in the northeast."