segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

Obama opposes gay marriage but supports civil union & gay equality

For many practicing Christians, the inability to compromise may apply to gay marriage. I find such a position troublesome, particularly in a society in which Christian men and women have been known to engage in adultery or other violations of their faith without civil penalty. I believe that American society can choose to carve out a special place for the union of a man and a woman as the unit of child rearing most common to every culture. I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights no such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simlpy because the people they love are of the same sex--nor am I willing to accept a readingof the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount.

The Audacity of Hope, by Barack Obama, p.222-3

2 comentários:

Marlene Oliveira disse...

I wish you success in disseminating this wise religion!

Anónimo disse...

"readingof the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount."

Se fosse só em Romanos... Mas "linha obscura" é um imenso tiro no pé. Só é obscura para quem não quer ver. Mas pelo menos serve para tirar a máscara de Obama, pelo menos para os cristãos a quem ele queria chegar.