sexta-feira, 29 de julho de 2005

Human Rights Violations Around the World

Um press release divulgado pelas Nações Unidas descreve a audição de várias Organizações Não-Governamentais (e alguns países) junto da Sub-Comissão para a Protecção e Promoção dos Direitos Humanos. Este comunicado apresenta um resumo das declarações de cada representante das ONG. O resultado é um retrato da situação dos direitos humanos em todo o mundo. Problemas, dramas e situações inacreditáveis em países e lugares que raramente ouvimos falar.

Apesar de destacar aqui apenas as duas intervenções que referem a situação dos Baha'is no Irão, recomendo vivamente a leitura de todo este comunicado.

Non-Governmental Organizations Decry Human Rights Violations Around the World

ALEXANDRA POMEON O'NEIL, of International Federation of Human Rights Leagues, said the League was concerned about the recrudescence of human rights violations, the situation of the Bahai minority and flawed presidential elections in Iran. On 19 July, two boys were publicly hanged in Mashhad, after receiving 228 whips each. Ayaz Marhoni was 18 and Mohamoud Asgari was a minor. They were probably sentenced to death for their sexual orientation. In Uzbekistan, the army had opened fire on thousands of demonstrators on 13 May 2005. About 200 persons were believed to have been killed. Since that incident, many hundred people had sought sanctuary in Russia and Kyrgyzstan. On the Russian Federation, the League deplored the serious regression of the rule of law and human rights in Chechnya. The speaker also highlighted human rights situations in the Israeli-occupied territories, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire and the human rights violations by the United States against prisoners in Guantanamo.

DIANE ALA'I, of Baha'i International Community, said that the situation of the Baha'is in the Iran had deteriorated. Early this year, persecution against members of this community had intensified. The worst violence occurred in the city of Yazd, where men equipped with batons and communication devices attacked three Baha'i homes in January. A wave of arrests and imprisonments had followed, and most of the prisoners were arbitrarily detained without any charge being filed against them. The Baha'is were not the only people suffering from recurrent human rights violations in Iran, but they were systematically targeted and relentlessly pressured, for only one reason: they would not give up their faith. The situation of human rights in Iran had been absent from the agenda of the Commission for the past three years, and during that time human rights violations against the Bahai's had gradually increased. The Community therefore called upon the Experts of the Sub-Commission to join with civil society in expressing grave concern about the situation in Iran.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

E eu a pensar que ías referir guantânamo ou israel. já agora. felizmente já te conheço. ainda bem que apareceste com esse ar compungido na rtp.e isto não é um insulto.