domingo, 17 de dezembro de 2006

Ainda sobre os direitos civis dos baha'is no Egipto

Dois pequenos filmes feitos à porta do tribunal:

Também este conjunto de fotos ilustram o que se passou no exterior do edifício do tribunal.

6 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

uma pequena nota:
até a uns meses atras a maior parte dos muçulmanos nunca tinha ouvido falar sequer na fé bahai, este caso suscintou debates televisivos, artigos em jornais, discussoes, conversas, reportagens, enfim... "do nada" e num curto espaço de tempo, milhares para nao dizer milhoes de muçulmanos ouviram falar da fé bahai, já é um começo.
Claro que estou chocado com o veridicto, ainda mais porque ao que parece o juiz ignorou qualquer argumento legal, preferido-se focar na religiao, enfim, não parece justo, mas que devera haver sabedoria nisso deve haver.

"Interference with creed and faith in every country causes manifest detriment, while justice and equal dealing towards all peoples on the face of the earth are the means whereby progress is effected.

(Abdu'l-Baha, A Traveller's Narrative, p. 87)"

Should other peoples and nations be unfaithful to you show your fidelity unto them, should they be unjust toward you show justice towards them, should they keep aloof from you attract them to yourself, should they show their enmity be friendly towards them, should they poison your lives sweeten their souls, should they inflict a wound upon you be a salve to their sores. Such are the attributes of the sincere! Such are the attributes of the truthful.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 445)

Anónimo disse...

Umas legendas davam jeito...
Com os gajos a falar árabe não se percebe nada!

Anónimo disse...

1º Video

young man : "what should we write? for example if you are muslim and they ask you to write christian ,would that be acceptable to you ?"
the man reply: "no no its not the same!"
the young man reply : "it is the same"
the man reply: "that is not possible! (to write bahai)"
& other young man reply:" its possible , here it is ,here it is " he points to the copy of the paper

2º Video

the man point to up & says : "look all people there, there is one thing about them ,they used to be catched and put in jail, they are sons of dogs"
he point to man that holding paper saying : "im muslim, i dont blieve in bahai religion,but i agree its bahai's right to be allowed to write word "bahai" in religion section in his ID card and for his children"
and he says : "look at this one! he says im muslim ,you are denying islam and want to put bahai ,you are not muslim ,he is jewish actually!!!"
point to the man again. he continue saying : "they are not muslims not even egyptians ,look at them they dont look like egyptians"

Obrigado a minha (muito proximamente) esposa pela tradução

Anónimo disse...

Obrigadão, Iuri!

Anónimo disse...

outra pequena nota:
A maior parte dos Bahais no Egipto SÃO egipcios.
como se pode ver as acusações não tem qualquer sentido

Anónimo disse...

God bless you and your son, and all your family.